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  1. My friend Hannah loves her name, and likes to exclaim, "Was it a car or a cat I saw?". What do you suppose her favorite city is?
  2. 50.8% have gotten this question correct
    •  Arboles, Colorado
    •  Saxet, Texas
    •  Cedar Fort, Utah
    •  Argonia, Kansas
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If you don't know what a palindrome is then this one might be difficult. Or better yet, you should at least be able to spot one.

palindrome pal�in�drome \'pa-lən-ədrōm\
Definition: n. a word, verse, or sentence (as �Able was I ere I saw Elba�) or a number (as 1881) that reads the same backward or forward

Hannah is a palindrome as is the sentence "Was it a car or a cat I saw?"

Of the four cities listed, Saxet, Texas is a palindrome making it the answer that makes the most sense in this case.

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