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  1. A game-show host has placed a car behind one of three doors. There is a goat behind each of the other doors. "First you point toward a door," he says. "Then I'll open one of the other doors to reveal a goat. After I've shown you the goat, you make your final choice whether to stick with your initial choice of doors, or to switch to the remaining door. You win whatever is behind the door." You begin by pointing to door number 1. The host shows you that door number 3 has a goat. What should you do (assuming you want the best odds of winning the car)?
  2. 29.7% have gotten this question correct
    •  Switch to door #2
    •  Stay with door #1
    •  It doesn't matter
    •  Punch the host in the jaw
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This is a tough one and most people probably think it doesn't matter. This is a classic problem called The Monty Hall problem made famous by a gameshow in America called Let's Make A Deal.

Here is a good video explanation of the problem and how the correct answer is arrived at. The dude in the video is pretty creepy, but you'll be smarter for having watched the video.

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